June 14, 2012

He's baaaaaaacccckkkkk...!!!!

If you grew up in the 70's and 80's, television had come of age. There were rogues, villians and bad guys, but then, there was J.R. Ewing. The central figure in the smash television evening soap Dallas, Larry Hagman, or J.R. Ewing, his alter ego on the show, was trouble personified.

The show ran for years and years from 1979 - 1991 and I guess the writer's creative muse had ran its course and the show was finally cancelled. And all true "Dallasites" were left wondering...why? Well, my friends, wonder why no more. It's back, yes the show "Dallas" is back with many of its central figures of the show that dominated the airways two and three decades ago.

Bobby Ewing, J.R. Ewing, Sue Ellen Ewing, Lucy Ewing and several of the second tier characters are back  and I should say, J.R. has picked up right where he left off in the last episode back in 1991. Yep, he's still a jerk, even in his old age.

If you watched Dallas back in its heyday, give the new version a look see. You'll  be very happy you did. It comes on TNT on Wednesday nights at 8:00 p.m., C.S.T.

God Bless Dallas, Texas!!!!!!

The Impulsive Texan
"I may not get much done, but I sure am slow"...

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