August 31, 2012


Everyone, at some time in their lives, unless they are very well-off or very prudent with their money, has to face the possibility of making big changes in their lives as they head toward retirement.

My wife and I have been tossing around scenarios that take into account income, health, wealth and living conditions. I spent 23 years in the United States Navy, so I didn't settle down in one spot for more than three years until the new millennium. Each time I purchased a home at a new duty station, I had to sell it to be able to move on to the next place. So with much thought, prayer and fiscal review, we've come to the conclusion that we have to move out of our home. We have to say goodbye to our beloved "La Puerta del Cielo".

We've lived there for six years and it's painfully obvious that we won't be able to afford it in retirement, so we're moving on and giving someone else the chance to live there. It's been a wonderful time. We have made many life-long memories and don't have any regrets about the decision.

I know we all have to face these decisions as we race toward our "golden years",  so I'm sure many of my readers know all too well what we're about to go through and what we're feeling.

I close this blog with my favorite picture taken while living at La Puerta del Cielo. This was in the side yard during an abnormally heavy snowfall a few years back. I'm sure you thought I was going to show the house, but somehow when asked about this home, this picture always comes to mind.

To all of those out there facing the same decisions, I wish you peace in the decision and many more memorable years wherever you might end up.

The Impulsive Texan

"I may not get much done, but I sure am slow"...

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