October 19, 2012

Pecan Pie and yard sales...as Texas as it gets...

My wife absolutely loves yard sales as a lot of women do. Yesterday, our neighbor directly across the street was holding a very large yard sale. So my wife, not ever one to pass up a bargain OR a yard sale, mosied on over for a visit.
Of course, she stayed there for hours and had to to make three or four trips back and forth across the street to our house to bring home all of the "bargains" that she found.
Well, one of the bargains was marked $.25. It was an old, weathered grass-green pocket folder, you know the type the kids use in school? It has the wire brads in the center flaps to hold papers and of course a pocket on each side.
In this folder are several dozen, hand-typed recipes from the early 1960's as far as I can tell. In one of the pockets was an old newspaper clipping from Cleburne, Texas, where we happen to live and it was dated November 7th 1979. I immediately took an interest to the old, weathered clipping. In it was a story about a "bumper crop" of pecans in Texas that fall season, way back in 1979.
And in a portion of the article the recipe "Texas Pecan Pie" caught my eye. Well, all of you know that I'm a die-hard, Lone Star Lovin', fifth-generation Texan. So immediately my chest swelled up like an overblown balloon at a 10 year olds birthday party. I read it, admired it and carefully folded the article back up and put it back in the pocket.
Then I started perusin' the hand-typed recipe's in the middle of the folder. I began noticing that the ladies submitting the recipes were from all over the nation and a few from out of the United States Mainland. In the middle was a story about the history of the "Non-Commissioned Officer Wives Club" of Ramey Air Force Base In Puerto Rico. As a twenty-three year retired Navy veteran, I was now very interested. It seems this club was organized in 1946. And from Ramey Air Force Base, that answered the question as to why the peoples locations were so diverse. They were all together in Puerto Rico stationed with their husbands at Ramey A.F.B.
I kept reading and it seems this wives club held events each year to raise money. And each one of the wives submitted recipe's for the book and they sold copies of the recipe book one year to raise money for the wives club. They must've sold a LOT of books. They raised $1,700 that year!
I think my wife stumbled across a treasure of recipes, memories and history at that local yard sale yesterday. I thought I'd share the recipe in the book for that "Texas Pecan Pie" with all of my readers here at the Impulsive Texan. This post is to all of my friends and acquaintances and especially for all of those displaced Texans yearning for a piece of home or those Texans in spirit that want to share in the mystique that is Texas. And what's more Texan, that a good ole' Pecan Pie?
I've attached the recipe below along with some pics of that old recipe book. I hope you enjoy this as much as I have.
God bless you all and God Bless Texas!!!! Yee-haw!!!

"I may not get much done, but I sure am slow"...

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful find! Thanks for sharing. Makes me want to go to all garage sales now. ;)
